O.K. So this blog is Enneagram related. However if you don’t know about the Enneagram you can look it up on line and this is just one of the topics that it covers. Anyway I am a type Four in the Enneagram and my defence mechanism is ‘INTROJECTION‘. What this means is that sometimes when someone is critical and tells you a load of shite you can swallow it whole and believe it all without even knowing you are doing it. The other types have different defence mechanisms – I am only dealing with the Fours here. So here’s what happened to me once upon a time. When I was eleven we had a public school exam called the Primary Certificate. When I was doing the Maths paper I wrote the answers I got on the paper so that I could compare them with my friends afterwards. I was very good at Maths at the time and I must have done O.K. because I got about 96% in the exam. However when I came home I ate something, threw my schoolbag there and went out to play with my friends. When I came back at about 3 o’clock in the afternoon my mother had done the Maths paper herself and got different answers. She was so angry with me that she locked me in my bedroom and said I couldn’t come out until the next morning and would have no food. I swallowed all this crap whole and assumed that I had done something very wrong. I have never been good at Maths since then. I lost the ability. That’s what introjection can do. Just sayin. It’s not always that bad though. Chat soon.

Tootle pip.

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